Values for Style and Icon State Mappings

This article is intended for use with Hero Attribute Tiles and Super Tiles. If you are using the default tile layouts associated with a device, you will not need this article.

Complexity: Intermediate

Let's start with a bit of background on how styles and icons are applied on 'normal' tiles and then compare that to more complex tiles like Hero Attribute Tiles or Super Tiles. When you add one of our core supported device types to your dashboard, like a Switch (on/off) or Contact Sensor (open/closed), these devices automatically use a standard tile layout. When you edit the style for a standard tile, the target states are usually filled in for you.

Switch Tile - Style Configuration

Contact Sensor Tile - Style Configuration

These standard tile types are tightly coupled with the underlying device type. So a Switch tile layout knows that there are on and off states and a Contact Sensor tile layout knows there are open and closed states. As such, it simplifies the interface, making it quick and easy to configure style and icon customizations for these core tile types.

Hero Attribute and Super Tiles

But when customizing a Hero Attribute Tile or Super Tile, the device might have a variety of attributes associated with it -- including custom attributes -- so you must manually specify which attributes you are interested in and under what conditions your desired style and/or icon should apply. You may see us refer to these as State Mappings in community posts, blog posts, and support articles.

Whereas a 'switch' only has static 'on' and 'off' states, custom attributes might have a range of dynamic states which you would like to apply styles at. For example, you might have several different styles you want to apply to a temperature attribute based on the temperature.

temperature > 100 → red

temperature > 80 → orange

temperature < 50 → blue

As such, the State Mapping feature enables you to define which attributes you are interested in as well as the comparison and target value at which you want to apply various states.

That being said, you may also want to use some of the standard device attributes which have a fixed set of potential attribute values. As such, we've compiled a list of some of the most common standard attributes and their fixed set of values below.

Standard Attribute Values

Here's a list of some of the most common attributes and their default values:

  • switch: on, off
  • motion: active, inactive
  • contact: open, closed
  • windowShade: open, closed
  • windowCovering: open, closed
  • door: open, closed
  • lock: locked, unlocked
  • water: wet, dry
  • smoke: detected, clear
  • alarm: detected, clear
  • thermostatMode: heat, cool, auto, off
  • playbackStatus: playing, paused

⚠️ Make sure to to use all lowercase for the target values otherwise they won't match

Another way to figure out the expected target values is to:

  1. Add the device to your dashboard
  2. Change the layout to a Hero Attribute layout (reference)
  3. Select your desired attribute as either the Primary or Secondary attribute,
  4. Watch the values as they change when you activate your physical device/sensor.
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