How do I set up Pushover?

Pushover makes it easy to get real-time push notifications on your Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktop, Android Wear, and Apple Watch. Pushover charges a one-time fee of $4.99 per platform (iOS, Android, Desktop) with 7500 messages included each month at no additional charge.

You can find more details in Pushover's FAQ.

How to Connect Pushover to SharpTools

Register Pushover Account + App

In order to connect Pushover to SharpTools, you'll need to first register a Pushover account and create a Pushover App. 
  1. Create a Pushover account at
  2. While logged into Pushover, navigate to the Pushover Apps page
  3. Click the Create a New Application / API Token link
  4. Fill in an App Name, check the box to agree to the Terms of Use, and press Create Application
    Optionally, feel free to enter a description and upload an image to use as the icon

Connect Pushover to SharpTools

Now that you have a Pushover account registered and a Pushover Application/API created, you can connect Pushover to SharpTools
  1. Open your user page
  2. Tap the Manage Connections button
  3. Select Pushover from the list
  4. Copy your User Token from your Pushover account
    Note: these typically start with the lowercase letter U
  5. Copy your Application/API Key from the Pushover Application page
    Note: these typically start with the lowercase letter A
  6. Ensure both keys are entered properly and press Save
Congratulations! You've successfully linked your Pushover account to your user account! In order to use Pushover notifications, be sure to install Pushover on your desired mobile devices and login with your Pushover credentials.
You can now use the Notification → Pushover action in the Rule Engine!

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